I just saw the pamphlet scans for the GazettE's Hymn of Crucifixion. Oh. My. God.
Fuck you Uruha. Stop being so damn seksi!!!! *doki doki doki*
Okay, fan girl talking and it's nearly 4am.
(Thanks again to rawkstarr23 on LJ for the speedy uploads!)
Due to LJ community's regulations, I cannot repost them here. However! I'll play with them in the future if I'm doing some graphic work. ^^
Merry Christmas y'all!
Now time to buy marshmallows to barbecue at my grandma's house. ^^
I don't normally talk about the small things about my life here, but what I witnessed yesterday probed me to feel compelled to write this.
You know how when you're a child and you see something that you feel only grown ups do and feel like there's some sort of magic going on in such a way that you wished you were an adult? I'm sure this is what the girl who watched my nails being painted felt when she curiously stood right next to us right when the manicurist was applying the dark red polish on me. She had this look of wonder at that moment as if she wished that she too could take part in this ritual of making your nails look dangerously beautiful.
Then again, I was probably like that when I first discovered make up and ransacked my mother's wardrobe. It's as if you've unearthed some foreign treasure that holds secrets to the species called woman.
Looking at my glossy pinot noir and nicely shaped finger nails right now, I can't help but think...I've certainly come a long way from a plain teenager to a GazettE fan with newly pierced ears. Maybe it's time to search for more and new magic.
"見果てぬ地に向かう瞳は 何を映し出してゆくの?"
"Mihatenu chi ni mukau me wa
Nani wo utsushi dashite yuku no?"
"Eyes facing neverending lands
What do they reflect?"
Song of the Moment: 1582
Yes, this is Kame's song in his solo performance at the KAT-TUN Break the Records live. I have to admit that I'm still mesmerized by his song and beautiful dancing. Truly a piece of KAT-TUN masterpiece!
Please refer to my previous entry to watch his magnificence. I can't get his gorgeousness out of my head every time I hear this song.
Otherwise, I'll just let this video run through this post.
But you still have to watch his actual singing (if you haven't already). That's an order.
Oh my goodness...they truly went through the roof with my expectations! Other than the normal fire and laser effects used, a lot of water fountain and aerial performances have been used.
The most eye popping moment: Kamenashi's solo performance.
From his graceful flight to his self absorption of dancing in the fountain, it's probably the best solo dance I've seen in a long time. Who would have thought that Kame would look so seksi in a kimono??
With the HiFi fixed (finally!) I'm watching the Miyavi live of the beginning of the Neo Visualizm tour in 2007. In the middle of Ossan Ossan Ore Nanbo, I almost dropped my lappy off my lap from laughter. Totally a man with many talents in the Japanese music industry, you can't help but fall in love with his charisma - he's serious about his music, but certainly knows how to pull the audience with his drunk like guitar dance while sticking his tongue out in mock cheekiness.
Now, I'm just hoping that he'll add me back on Facebook soon. ^^
And the other DVDs I've ordered should be arriving by EMS tomorrow. Can't wait! A preview of what I will be watching below!
First up...KAT-TUN! Break the Records Live (break break break). From the looks of it, I really hope that they've topped the performance - because I have really high expectations from these guys, after watching the Queen of Pirates concert, you're pampered to that sort of really high standards. Especially if all 440,000 seats (for shows held in 8 consecutive days) at Tokyo Dome are sold out on the day it went on sale!
And of course...GAZETTO! the GazettE's DIM Scene Tour Finale I'm so excited to hear full live versions of Distress and Coma, Without a Trace and A Moth Under the Skin. Oh, I can feel a nosebleed coming up...please excuse me...
I forgot to mention the other day: the KAT-TUN Tour Finale DVD Break the Records will be out 16 December. Yup, exactly the same day as the GazettE! *squee* Fantastic, I got some cool bishie dancers to watch as well as some seksi dark manliness from both groups. XDDDDDDD
It's been ages since I've blogged here, hahaha.
No major updates other than the fact that I'm catching up on my art and sleep on my break. Well.....I got piercings in my earlobes too, and they've swollen up a bit. I don't think there's much to worry about though, despite the fact that the back of my right ear is bleeding slightly.
Anyway, DIM Scene! The boys' DVD will be out 16 December...that's like...less than a month! I'm really excited. ^^
And their latest single that came out 7 October Before I Decay didn't disappoint either. They went back to producing aggressive rock, and frankly, I absolutely, love it. For once, I actually like Kai's look. They gave him hair! (Kai lewks t3h seksi.)
The announcement's made in the Co-Miyavi Worldwide Myspace...Miyavi's going to do a world tour! I'm so excited if he's going to visit Singapore next year, I'll definitely try to make it. =)
Read the official blog entry here
I've also applied for the official Miyavi fanclub, because he's left PS Company, he's not obliged to stay with Heresy (which seems to be in charge of the PSC bands' official fan clubs like the GazettE, Alice Nine, Screw...etc...). Well, the Japan club's already up, now to wait until they open up for the world!
More information from the official Co-Miyavi Worldwide International Family here.
I love you Miyavi for opening up to worldwide fans instead of simply sticking to Japan.
So, before I leave you with some artsy photos of the man (which are not as colorful or crazy as some of the others, but still really beautifully elegantly shot), introducing a song that I can't stop listening to right now: Hime (Miyavi)
Seriously, I could imagine him going nuts with his guitar with this song.

If there is one event worth going to Japan for, it's for the Visual Rock Festival in October!
Full details here
Groups like Alice Nine, Marilyn Manson, SuG, Versailles (I really hope they'll appear, given the recent circumstances - sincere condolences and RIP Jasmine You), Moi Dix Mois, LM.C, Kagrra, etc...and of course, the GazettE's going to be there too! In all honesty, I really want to go, but I don't know if I'll end up breaking my bank account first, hahaha. Shame that Miyavi isn't going to be there, I bet he would probably end up making the audience even larger.
It really does feel like the end of summer now. I bet I'll be seeing those Chinese kids with huge bags on their backs next week. Being in work mode most of the time really does take years out of my life with little sleep, mental stress and questionable diet. Now, I'm so tired I could pretty much drop off to sleep in some places and I end up day dreaming most of the time.
Speaking of years, given the frequent Facebook updates, I keep getting news of friends who are either engaged or have gotten married. Some with surprising intentions to settle down early than anticipated back in high school. I had the occasional "who would have thought" moments. Even I myself have to arm whatever comes out of my mouth, be it questions from people about me getting married or whether I plan on having kids. Looking around, in the midst of happy faces, I see something that I really want...something a little further away , but yet I could still take a shot of grasping it: an adventure. I have yet to finish what I actually want to do - studies in design and a proper head start on a real career. That, of course, will take a while to achieve. I'm just hoping that the overall plans will go smoothly.
Paperwork sure is a bitch.
On an ending note on this, I bring you...feathers of nostalgia. (from the GazettE's Cassis PV)
For some reason, I feel that I don't care about work lately. I'm exhausted, yes, but despite the fact that I normally have passion in what I do, it's as though I really don't give a shit recently. I need a serious break from all this craziness.
Other than the fact that I'm actually killing myself over a couple of assignments that are supposed to be easy (but which I also managed to make huge messes out of), I've been digging up the GazettE boys' old stuff. As in songs from Stacked Rubbish and before, especially from the NIL album. And despite those weird song titles, I have to admit that even at the time when the Disorder album came out back in 2003, they were already pretty damn good by then.
Of course, songs that we associate as classics, which I shall dub as GazClasses (hahaha), are songs like Filth in the Beauty (head bang!), Guren, Chizuru, Reila, Carry?, Maggots and of course Burial Applicant. Indeed, rock sounds are the main feature here, especially in the likes of Carry?, Discharge, Maggots, and Filth in the Beauty, but they've also experimented with other things like funky rock in Silly God Disco (that is such a fun song), hip hop/RnB styling in Agony, even the start of Filth in the Beauty has some RnB feel to it.
Looking back, especially during the Stacked Rubbish period though it's started way back into Disorder, song titles became a bit off-putting as they attempted to play with English titles to make it look supposedly edgier. Take Nausea and Shudder for instance, I thought it was going to be a crazy emo rock song that was going to sound something like Ruder. Instead, I was confronted with something similar to Carry? that suddenly became gentler during the guitar solos, and the entire song turned into some contrast when Ruki started singing "In deep, slow sky..." Indeed, the entire band is capable of assertive gentleness, which is apparent in most of the deep voice ballads in the more recent pieces like Distress and Coma (which is still my favourite), Calm Envy (this song is too beautiful to describe in mere words), Without a Trace, and Guren. Even in pieces where delinquency styling is used such as Miseinen, Zetsu and Anata No Tame No Koni Inochi (that is such an old song), their style is still weirdly recognizable. Of course, being a band with attitude, I really love Art Drawn by Vomit, even though the entire song features Ruki simply deep chanting "Hey Jesus" with female voices singing "thank you for your pain" and "suck my grudge and hate", as though I've walked into an underground gangster club. (Jesus sure has inspired a lot of singers.)
Got to love the GazettE for their ever changing style, both visually and audibly.
You know what sort of website I hate? Those free ones that claim to provide some free service and then they wave this pop up in your face saying, "Help keep this site free! Fill out this survey, it will only take a minute!"
Only a minute my ass. Those things take a ghastly 10 minute time schedule to fill, and you can't even fill in false information or leave your home address and zip code blank either. Those fuckers are surely there to want to fling more junk into your already crammed junk mail box. Manga21 is one of those assholes while I'm desperate to know what happens in chapter 144 of Fairy Tail.
So? There are loads of other ways to generate income. I mean, One Manga may use a couple of ads here and there, but they have my respect for keeping their website clean and fuss free.
The fucking Great Firewall has fucking blocked Blogspot! Nevertheless...I'll still post here, even if it means being a little lazier and typing everything up on MSWord first.
Anyway! A GazettE meme! In 82 questions (oh gosh, it did take a pretty long time).
1. Name
2. Birthplace
Toronto, Canada
3. How long have you been a Gazette fan?
2-3 months
4. How did you first come across Gazette?
They were on the Neo Genesis magazine cover for March, featuring them in Distress and Coma outfits. At the time, I was looking for cool Japanese male fashion inspiration in magazines and they truly caught my eye.
5. Who's your favourite member?
The womanly man, Uruha! And Ruki after (he was initially my favourite). Then Reita.
6. What do you like about your favourite member:
For Uruha, I think it’s the fact that he can be so beautiful as a man. But he’s at the same time, very inspiring in terms of the way he poses in photos, the style he uses in fashion, the make up…he makes women ashamed with his seksiness. LOL.
In Ruki’s case, it’s the way he sings. I love his deep and seksi voice – and he certainly knows how to hypnotize you with it, along with his actions that go with his songs.
And for Reita, it’s the fact that he has a nose band and cool looking manly spiky hair on top of his already hunky image.
7. Something you don't know, but would like to know about that member:
Do they actually reply to their fan mail and how often do they read them? And I want to raid their wardrobes both in and out of GazettE mode, see where their styles come from.
8. Which of the members have you written letters or fanmail to?
Uruha, twice. I’ve written to Reita for his birthday though.
9. Something about you that changed when you became a fan of Gazette:
I started paying attention to the Visual Kei scene. And I started to use VK elements in my designs, adding some punk/goth/rock into my own style, both as design concepts and in the way I dress. I’ve also started appreciating more J-rock too, and became a fan of the likes of Miyavi and Versailles.
10. Your favourite Gazette song and why:
Oh hell, how am I going to answer this? LOL. Definitely Distress and Coma as it’s the first song I heard. A couple of reasons really – mainly because of Ruki’s act of hypnosis with his singing (ahahahahaha!) And I absolutely loved the melody. Yet, another reason is the music video – the colours, the camera angles, the dirty ballerina, the fire circling around the tree, the grunge look, Ruki’s contacts close up, his lace gloves, the way the band immerse themselves…it’s a bit like watching GazettE pr0n.
11. The song you'd like to hear most at lives:
Filth in the Beauty. And Distress and Coma. And Calm Envy. Though I think Leech would be pretty interesting too.
12. The song you listen to when you feel down or sad:
Calm Envy, which is actually one of my favourite ballads. Though I don’t understand much Japanese, you could literally feel the lyrics and Ruki’s voice stabbing into you through the slow and calm melody, while you allow yourself to sink into a wave of bittersweet emotions with the desire to let the song consume you.
13. When you are ill, the song that makes you feel better:
Filth in the Beauty. LOL. Especially when you hear the entire band screaming “WHOA!” in the chorus, and the head bang after hollering “Sexual disgrace!”. (Methinks it’s the testosterone thing.) It’s all about the head bangs!
14. The song you listen to when you are happy:
Zetsu. Bara bara bara! I love the way Aoi and Uruha work their guitars for the siren effect between the left and right speakers. And Uruha’s posing between the cargo blocks is one of the ultimate visual eye candies, especially the ones where he’s got his leg up on the other end. *nose bleed* And Silly God Disco. It’s such a fun song with all that funkiness going on, Ruki playing with a feather boa (it’s not everyday you see a man with one!). And indeed, it’s the first time I actually noticed Uruha’s thighs and now he just pops into my mind whenever his solo comes on.
15. The song which influenced you the most:
Distress and Coma – in terms of overall style and mesmerizing.
16. The first Gazette song you ever heard:
Refer to question 10.
17. Is there a song you can sing perfectly without having to look at the lyrics?
Only bits of Filth in the Beauty, Silly God Disco, and probably most of Distress and Coma by now. Must…learn…Japanese!
18. A Gazette song you'd like to sing at Karaoke:
Silly God Disco, Filth in the Beauty, Calm Envy, Distress and Coma, Zetsu, Cassis
19. Have you seen Gazette live?
Nope. I’d very much love to though.
20. If you have, what were your thoughts? If you haven't, are you planning on attending a live and how?
If they go to Singapore next year. Or maybe if I go to Japan afterwards for a year!
21. At violent Gazette lives, where do you always stand? Or if you haven't been, where would you like to stand?
Oooh…ick…violent lives?! O___O Most probably as far away from the problem as possible. But of course, I would love to be up in or near the front of the stage.
22. What style do you (or would you like to) attend Gazette lives in? (Clothes, make-up, etc)
I’d probably make up a bit like a normal night out, except with more smoky eyes. But I would definitely wear something comfy, especially as I’d probably be head banging with the rest of the fans.
23. Name a few necesseties for attending a Gazette live:
Camera. And loads of hidden cash. And a marker/pen in case I run into them and could get them to autograph stuff. XD
24. Do you (or would you) always fill out the after-live questionnaire?
I probably would.
25. Something you've started collecting because of Gazette:
GazettE songs and videos. I already collect perfume samples so that doesn’t count, despite being more aware of different scents.
26. Which Gazette costume series do you like most?
Distress and Coma, Filth in the Beauty (Ruki’s dreadlocks!), Silly God Disco (Uruha’s thighs! And Ruki’s feathers =))
27. One item you like in Gazette's goods range: (Or if you don't own any, one thing you'd like to have)
Probably a ring or two that the band members have designed.
28. Your cellphone's ringtone:
Currently? Koda Kumi’s Black Cherry. Will probably change it to a GazettE tune later when I have time. (Undecided.)
29. Your cellphone's wallpaper:
A very womanly Uruha in black and white in his Distress and Coma outfit.
30. Cellphone strap:
None, I’m not a big fan of straps and things hanging off my phone. It makes my small and sleek phone look too girly!
31. PC wallpaper:
Double image of Uruha, one of which he poses with his guitar. He looks more womanly in one image and more manly in the other. =) I think it’s the Leech outfit.
32. Does your email address have something to do with Gazette?
Nah…I like to be original. =)
33. A place you go to frequently:
Online? Facebook. LOL. Offline…I currently don’t really have a frequent place to go to that I can call favourite since I’m boarded up with work recently.
34. Your favourite shop:
The ones on Granville Road, Argyle Centre and Allied Plaza in Hong Kong.
35. Your favourite CD shop:
Ever since iPod revolutionalized music, I don’t really have any.
36. A magazine you read frequently:
Glamour and Cosmopolitan, British Edition. But I should read more Neo Genesis, Shoxx, Arena 37C, ViVi (Japanese version) and other J-stuff, even if I don’t understand Japanese, I should at least browse and study the magazines’ subjects.
37. Recommended CD:
Queen of Pirates (KAT-TUN), Stacked Rubbish (the GazettE), Trick (Koda Kumi)
38: Do you have pets?
I used to own dogs, but I just don’t have space for pets anymore.
39. Do you visit the Gazette OHP frequently? Which page within do you visit the most?
I don’t get OHP, but if it’s the official website, I use the English MySpace.
40. An artist other than Gazette who you think is noteworthy:
Miyavi. Because he is so awesome with his eccentricity and guitar playing (along with his songs). Plus, he’s hawt. In hawt pink! And I like Versailles for their band concept, even though the songs aren’t as hot. KAT-TUN and Koda Kumi are also fantastic for the more mainstream stuff, especially their concerts. The dance moves, the costumes, the stage settings…I feel really entertained just watching them.
41. An artist you like out of those signed to PS Company:
Miyavi. He is truly the perfect specimen for a one-man entertainer.
42. A member whose words you were surprised by: (in a magazine article, MC, radio show etc)
Probably Ruki’s bitchiness in an interview about him and love. LOL. “I’m a B blood type, I only go out with O types! Others are out of the question!” Man, how can a man be this picky over women? Oh, the depth of his voice when he speaks normally; it’s much much deeper than I initially assumed.
43. If you could become one of the members for a day, who would you become and why?
Kai. To see what it’s like to be bullied everyday by the other members. Hahahaha.
44. If the world ceased to exist tomorrow, which member would you like to spend your last day with?
Ideally, all of them! But if I have to pick one, guess Uruha would be my first choice.
45. Which member would you like to go to karaoke with?
I would be totally scared to go with Ruki – he’ll pwn me with his singing skills! I think going with Kai and Uruha would be fun though.
46. Which member would you like to go drinking with?
Uruha. LOL. He’s the alcoholic and it would be funny to see him drunk.
47. Which member would you like to go to an oshare bar with?
Ruki. He’s fashionable enough and would probably want to go there himself as well.
48. Which member would you like to cook for?
Definitely not for Ruki and Reita. They look like they’re way too picky on food.
49. Please arrange the members according to who you think would change the most when drunk (least changed to most changed):
Uruha, Kai, Ruki, Aoi, Reita
50. Please arrange the members according to who you think would make the longest telephone calls from shortest to longest:
Reita, Aoi, Uruha, Ruki, Kai
51. If you had to substitute in a Gazette live, which part would you choose to play?
Bass. I get to be mysterious with a nose band! And I would go up to each member and give fan service. ;)
52. One thing you like about Gazette (physical):
Their intensive gazes and funky hairstyles. And their posing. *drool* And of course, Uruha’s thighs. LOLLERCOASTER
53. Your first impression about Ruki:
He’s absolutely hawt. Must…find…out…more…about this guy…
54. What name do you call him by?
Oi Ruki… Roooookeeeeeeeeeeee!
55. Are you good at drawing?
Totally. I strive to be the best in drawing when it comes to designing things.
56. Have you fallen off of a jungle gym?
Probably. That was ages ago.
57. If Ruki were really your brother, friend, lover etc, how would you feel?
Note: I would ask all of the GazettE boys to model for me, but I’ll talk about the modeling styles separately.
Brother: I would tease him a lot, pick fights with him and if we get in trouble when causing mischief, I would put all the blame on him! LOL. But I know he’ll be a loving bro. =) And of course, I would borrow his stuff all the time, as well as exchange make up tips.
Friend: We would go shopping all the time! And exchange items! And we’d play pranks on others all the time.
Lover: Again…shopping all the time! And watch a lot of movies together. I think he’ll be quite honest with many opinions. But I doubt I can handle his bossiness.
Model: His delinquent look gives a lot of youth and energy to clothing in my opinion, and him modeling things like hats and accessories would look really funky. Actually, come to think of it, Ruki could easily make the shittiest items look hawt.
58.Your first impression about Uruha:
Is this a beautiful man, or a handsome woman??? Oh god…those hawt thighs! (But that was later when I found that he’s into wearing hot pants.)
59. What name do you call him by?
60. Did you know at first that his name was pronounced "Uruha"?
Yup yup.
61. Do you gargle every day?
Some days.
62. If Uruha were really your brother, friend, lover etc, how would you feel?
Brother: I would make sure that he would make his sister (i.e. me) come first, AHAHAHAHAHA. I guess I would be able to talk to him about most things openly and honestly. And play loads of video games and billiards together. And spend loads of time playing with his hair. LOL.
Friend: We’d hang out all the time playing video games and billiards, but also keep an eye out for each other. But no soccer unless if I were a guy.
Lover: That would be a total dream! He wouldn’t be perfect, but I’m certain he’ll try his best. =)
Model: Since he’s pretty tall with long legs, I would get him to model clothes that show a lot of leg. Think (OMFG) Zetsu poses. And wispy hair styling with the feminine masculine look (since he’s the girly one of the entire group).
63. Your first impression about Aoi:
He is so Marilyn Manson!
64. What name do you call him by?
Aoi. Ne~~~~
65. Do you have a lip/navel piercing?
Noes. I’m thinking of getting a few ear piercings though.
66. Were you born in the city?
67. If Aoi were really your brother, friend, lover etc, how would you feel?
Brother: I would know when he would get in a rage and tell him to shut it. But at the same time, I would think of him as a funny dorky attention whore. Hahaha. Though on the plus side, he’ll probably do anything for me if I ask nicely. And I’ll learn to be a perfectionist.
Friend: We’ll compose loads of music together and play lots of guitar!
I think if I were close to him in that sense, I would know that deep beneath his serious exterior, he’s a funny dorky attention whore. On the plus side, I think he will do anything for you if you ask nicely.
Model: Lanky clothes! He’ll look fantastic with things like really skinny jeans. And I would love to see him pose with a lot of goth inspired looks. Strips of colour in his long-ish black hair, a bit of Manson feel…yummy…
68. Your first impression about Reita:
OMFG, NOSEBAND! COOOOOOOOL! (And he’s pretty hawt.)
69. What name do you call him by?
Reita, Reitaaaaaaaaaaah
70. What do you call the thing he wears on his nose?
Nose band. But if I want to spank him verbally, I’d call it a nose towel. LOL.
71. Out of the Shinkansen, which do you think is the fastest?
What’s a Shinkansen???
72. If Reita were really your brother, friend, lover etc, how would you feel?
Brother: Man, he’ll be one hawt looking brother with those funky side spikes. I’ll teach him how to be more confident with girls (LOL) and force feed him the food he hates.
Friend: Watch videos, play a couple of games. And admire his friendship with Uruha. We’d talk about the Sex Pistols all day long.
Lover: Would I be happy to have a seksi hunk of a man to be my lover? Of course I would! And tell him that there are other charm points besides the butt!
Model: Considering those wide legged poses, he’ll model the more masculine stuff, such as army or combat inspired items. And I’ll get him to do slightly more “violent” posing.
73. Your first impression about Kai:
He looks mean. And tough. Hahaha.
74. What name do you call him by?
Kai. Sweetie. (No kawaii voice.)
75. Are you good at cooking?
I can survive and still make a decent meal for a table of 6. =)
76. Where do you think the state of New Jersey is?
Huh? Other than the fact that it’s somewhere in the US, I don’t know!
77. If Kai were really your brother, friend, lover etc, how would you feel?
Brother: I would eat all his meals. Hahaha. And bully him everyday. I’d also be a big baby with an occasional streak of telling him off for forgetting things. And I will get him to cook and make my bento for me everyday. And I will cry whenever I get bullied by others. I’d also ask him to teach me how to play drums
Friend: Other than bullying him all the time? We’d cook together and exchange recipes. Hahahaha. Guess I will also learn how to be kind to others.
Lover: I’d be so spoiled by him! Enough said!
Model: He can do a pretty mean look, but I’d also have some dimple thing going on for some close ups.
78. Represent each member with just one or two kanji (if you don't know kanji, describe each member with just one word):
1. Ruki - delinquent
2. Aoi - goth
3. Uruha - beautiful
4. Kai - tenderness
5. Reita - manly
79. Compare each member to an animal:
1. Ruki – Chihuahua – small but vicious!
2. Aoi – Black cat
3. Uruha – Black swan
4. Kai – Cuddly bear
5. Reita – Parquet. LAWLZ
80. Compare each member to a colour:
Ruki – gold and red
Aoi – silver and black
Uruha – purple
Kai – blue
Reita – black and white
81. According to you, Gazette is:
Passion, motivation, friendship, experimental, alternative, inspiring, stylish and firm
82. Your expectations from now on for Gazette:
More awesome music, more visually inspiring PVs, more seksi posing, and more outstanding costumes.
Am I the only person who thinks Uruha is beautiful? I honestly feel ashamed as a woman when I see a man who is way sexier and way more gentle feminine than myself. Then again, I set my eyes on Ruki's style initially before I actually settle on Uruha. I swear, those thighs are so hawt. Sorry Rukster. But you're still the fashionable one in my book, hahaha.
Warning: Image intensive.
When you look at the hair, it looks really touchable, especially when he feathers it up into gentle spikes. Or maybe it's the way his cat eye style make up makes it look like his gaze is more intense than it actually is. (I've tried the eye make up, and while it looks absolutely scary in real life, it really works in photos - and definitely on stage.) I suppose it's also the gentle facial expression that makes Uruha quite attractive while exerting a semi-masculine pose that makes the whole outlook very androgynous.
Ruki, on the other hand, has more of a bad kid look. Or delinquency. Actually, he's probably the kid that everybody wants to tame, but I doubt pinning him down will be successful. Then again, he's also probably the most stylish one in the group (considering the fact that one of his favourite past times is shopping) and as the vocalist, the projection of the band image is considerably heavy weighted. I'm still amazed at the image make overs where he can look totally different while maintaining his style. But I'm definitely not a fan of his Reila and Cockroach looks - a bit too Halloween.
He's probably the only person who looks good in gold pants (which I don't have a clear image of at the moment, but I've seen it somewhere). He also does the feathery hair, but he could resemble a lion at times, which was more apparent in Guren.
I'll add more on the other members later. Right now, I'm just too pissed off with life (and the fact that the Great Firewall of China has decided to block Blogspot). Why oh why must everything have to happen now?
Sometimes, when you're forced to design something, nothing comes out. No matter how much you rack your brains, it seems that all the cells have decided to go on strike. Not inspired, nothing good, absolutely nothing.
It's a bit like demanding my brain to throw up, except there's nothing to throw up. You know how you get air sick or car sick or sea sick, and you feel like throwing up yet you didn't eat anything for your stomach to regurgitate? Well, emotionally, in the artistic sense, it's exactly like that. Really tiring, bothersome and so twisted to the core, you just couldn't force anything out no matter what.
I think that's what happened lately. Then again, when life gets in the way (read: "shitty landlord problems"), just trying to mentally relax is difficult. And only when the brain is relaxed can you do something interesting with it.
I'll just pop some alcohol open, not think and watch some the GazettE/Miyavi videos. I'm thinking too much.
If there is one man who can wear pink and still look absolutely fantastic, it's Miyavi. Seriously, he could easily pull off the shocking hot pink without looking like he's a gay man.
Ok ok, I agree he looks very feminine. But he still looks pretty in his own way. I guess he can compete with Uruha in the more feminine colours. Hahaha. Pink vs. Purple anyone?
Personally, I don't like MySpace. But seeing as it's one way to keep up to date with some of the music groups I follow, I've decided to sign up. But after signing up and verifying my email etc etc, I get logged out automatically after 5 minutes of surfing on the website.
Why does this happen? I have no idea.
So the only logical thing is to log back in, ya?
But no, I'm unable to log in for whatever reason.
After several attempts, I decided to try the "forgot password" function. And I got to a page where it says "No such email exists". What the fuck?
So I decided to sign up again. And I went through the same process and verified my email, etc etc. And again, after some minutes of surfing, I got an automated log off. And I get the "No such email exists" page again.
What the fuck?
Yes, I've pretty much repeated myself over and over again, so I've sent a complaint note to the monkeys uh...technical assistance section. And they say that they will look into it in the next working day. Right...
But seriously, this already makes MySpace sort of ghey, right?
I don't have much eye candy on Miyavi, but he truly is musically talented. His songs are not as hard metal as typical J-Rock, but some have some hip hop and/or pop edge sounds, which makes them easier to listen to. Many songs also feature simple guitar playing with the same guitar slapping noises, which has become a sort of trademark sound that identifies Miyavi. Obviously, being a VK artist, rock and metal still need to be the dominating sounds.
I'll see to embedding some Miyavi stuff at a later time.
Not the GazettE related, but also working for the same record company PS Company and another visual kei artist, is Miyavi. Presenting Selfish Love.
Selfish love - Miyavi
The instrumental 1st minute was totally original. Guitar and bongo style combined into one. I have yet to meet someone who can actually play guitar like that (other than Miyavi, of course). And the PV (promotional video) itself was pretty amusing - the foot stamping in the water, the eccentricity of Miyavi's behaviour, the simple melody, the catchy tune, the "I look ridiculous, but I don't give a damn" look...genius!
I have yet to see other Miyavi videos, but Ruki was certainly right when he said that Miyavi's really talented (to the point where Ruki actually envies him). And after watching this video, I believe him. Miyavi could easily run a one man show.
I wrote fan mail to Uruha on the official MySpace site. LOL.
But yeah, fat chance I'll ever get a response, let alone personal.
Though, I did write a gentle reminder that "Amantis" will appear eventually.
This is my 2nd fan mail. The first was to Leil Lowndes - and I did get a personal response from her!
Now what was in my lame-ish message again?
I really have to hand it to Ruki and Uruha, as music professionals who don't know what a basic business card looks like. While the video gave me a good laugh, I can't help but think: are there many artists in the world who are so engrossed in what they are passionate about that they may not function as well in what is perceived as the "normal" world? Ruki's speech is in pink and Uruha's in blue.
Ruki & Uruha in Beat Shuffle Club Adios - the GazettE
LOL factor: 5 out of 5. Just because Uruha can't write his own name. And Ruki's constant bossy telling off: "Then stop being picky and just do it." "You wrote it wrongly? [...] We're making business cards so don't write it wrongly." LOL. Poor kid.
And I've fixed the video link for the entry KAT-TUN's single Rescue.
Yes, I will admit over again that I have fallen in love with the GazettE because of the Neo Genesis magazine cover. But in my first entry about the group, I don't think I was specific enough on why I liked them (other than using the words hawt and seksi as description). I suppose that at the time, I was still feeling the after effects of designing menswear from the previous term - and after receiving a pile of old Japanese male fashion magazines, I've rediscovered the joys of looking at male idols with the spirit of a young teenager, which I haven't done for nearly 10 years. In my opinion, the celebrity value from the west has been going downhill during this time, especially as I didn't even fancy Brad Pitt, Daniel Radcliff (Harry Potter - he's gotten better looking in the recent years, but definitely doesn't get my blood rushing), and I have to ask myself why the hell would anybody even want to look at Pete Doherty. If it wasn't about drugs, it was about some womanizing stuff. I've decided to stop looking at famous men altogether. And Hong Kong singers are just wannabes.
But KAT-TUN came along in my sight in 2007, but I didn't really pick up on their stuff back then, other than noting that they're ridiculously talented dancers. To the point where they're the only group to play 7 consecutive shows in a row at Tokyo Dome, which is a record for Japan. I didn't touch much on KAT-TUN again until December last year, when I started doing my research on menswear to start preparations for menswear designs. That was the moment when I remembered that Japanese fashion should be looked into if I didn't want to do European style suits like Armani, which, to me, are meant for men in their 30s rather than their 20s. I wanted to design something hip, so I started looking for KAT-TUN items, ranging from buying their music and concerts to looking up their images online and watching music videos. I think that was the moment when I found my way back to admiring men once again.
And I wasn't wrong. The KAT-TUN boys wore things like loads of feathers combined with embroidery, sequins, and weird cuts with lots of accessories. It was almost like looking at human Christmas trees. The songs, videos, outfits and dance routines that were put together were simply amazing. I think only Japanese people could do such cool combos. Even things like black nail polish, reshaped eyebrows and big dangly earrings were normal. Add all that together and you get 6 androgynous men running the show.
When I first presented the idea to my teacher, she said it was all "too much". I could still remember that day with a bittersweet taste in my mouth. Imagine being really enthusiastic about the design to the point where you could start making the outfit straight away just to have that bubble popped in that one millisecond. I was disappointed that I had to modify the design at the time, but in the end, I at least managed to prove them wrong that sequins and feathers can still go together. (And I made an average looking guy into one hot male model.)
And the holidays came once again. I had a feeling of loss when I didn't need to focus on menswear anymore. Even when searching for magazines, nothing decent came up. That was until when I walked into a CD store and spotted the magazine.
Indeed, it was a mainly black, white and red cover that spelled hard metal rock (which I'm not a major fan of except for some stuff from Garbage, Linkin' Park and Marilyn Manson). But when you look closely, the poses, details of the outfits, menacing looks and make up all add up into some form of androgynous silent fierceness. When you see a cover like that, you know that the inside would be filled with Japanese fashion that can be used for future reference. Flipping through the magazine in the comforts of the home couch, I was almost drooling at the GazettE's photoshoot. But when I looked further into the magazine, there weren't any more groups that were as well dressed or presented as the cover boys. At that moment, I knew I had to look into their music. Lucky for me, the song Distress and Coma was released only a few days before so I was able to see clearly what they were wearing in the music video. It was rock alright, but a softer, electrical, mysteriously menacing tune filled with raging emotion that could pierce right through you. I think it's partly due to Ruki's deep voice that added the sex appeal. But overall, the video really did it: the dirty, crazy and distressed ballerina, the dark dingy rooms, the black and white settings, Ruki's dark vampire red wine coloured outfit with lace gloves, blonde hair and yellow (I think?) contacts, the fire raging through in the final leg, snow flakes falling... And Ruki's "oyasumi" (meaning "goodnight") completed the full seduction before blowing fully into the final chorus.
So I'm now really using the group as one of my current main sources of inspiration. I actually want to copy their make up, hair style and outfits and add them to my design. Even my classmates now have noticed that I've been adding a lot of punk rock style into the way I dress recently.
I've talked enough for now, I desperately need sleep. But before I go, here are some eye candy.
This photo is taken when the group released Leech last year. A song that I'm not particularly fond of, but the PVC certainly makes a statement.
I don't know what song was released with this look, but Ruki looks a bit like a pimp with the aviator sunglasses and silver suit. The others still look really cool though.
And finally, one of my favourites from the group, Cassis. This is actually a love song and if the English translation of the lyrics are accurate, it's a truly beautifully written song. And the best thing I like about it? It's not cheesy - like...Boyzone pop cheesy.
The GazettE - Cassis with English subtitles -
Btw, I've fixed the video for Distress and Coma. Youtube is busy being ghey and I can only access imeem at the moment. Thank goodness I've got a new entertainment source!
After months of piling things up, I've finally (spent 2 days) cleaned my poor flat (because I was forced to).
I managed to find all sorts of weird stuff lurking about in there. Man, months of things can really create a horrible mess.
So, as the landlord is bringing people over (who are buying a flat), I'd better keep it that way.
Out of all people I expect to be online on MSN, today there was one person whom I certainly didn't expect: my childhood best friend.
After a few greetings, we talked a bit to catch up on the past. Apparently she's now married and has a kid. And her younger sister too. Given the rate at which things are going on, it seems that many people my age have already started settling down. And I am still studying.
But perhaps I work at a slower rate. I develop one step behind most people. But again, I'm doing things in my own pace, one step at a time.
I'm going to make them proud. Especially her. I know she's watching me somewhere, appearing in my state of unconsciousness. I will have a sense of nostalgia, but reflecting on the past will make me a stronger person in the end. After all, life is about moving forwards.
After some more intensity and a range of events that happened, I feel like I'm really losing it. My sanity, my sense of responsibility, my will to get certain things done...all gone. I've been agitated since Easter as that day approaches.
This is probably the point where it gets all emo. But let's not go there with teenage angst.
But seriously, recently I haven't been myself. It's as though a cold fist is closing in on my heart and twisting it while it's thumping hard to break free. I feel like I've been ventilating more frequently and am spending more restless and sleepless nights.
And this is sort of affecting my designs in a way. I don't seem to care much about what I'm doing anymore. Is this what they call "designers' phase" where we simply drift in and out of what we do?
Life feels like a bitch at the moment.
After a near full week of intensive start of term, I think I finally understand what inspiration really is. The dictionary term for inspiration is: "Stimulation of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity".
I shall further explain in my own words.
We're inspired everyday. Not necessarily in the design sense, but we're always inspired by something. For example, if the weather reaches 30C on a bright sunny day, I'll be inspired to wear my sunglasses and eat some ice cream. Or say...if I were watching a documentary on Parisian city life, I'll probably want to go to Paris for holiday because it looks like an awesome city - which means that I'm inspired to go to Paris. Or maybe I've had a stressful week and I want to take a long candlelit relaxing bath to wind down, then I'm inspired to do so. Then perhaps I'm watching a horror movie and there's a scary little girl in green lights at the top of the stairs, I'll probably start screaming and hiding my face under the covers. All this is inspiration. It's when something stimulates us to want to do certain actions with certain emotions.
Now for the design part. As designers (this is the same for people working in the arts field), our level of inspiration should be a lot higher compared to others. Meaning that we should constantly be aware of our surroundings, frequently taking things in and analyzing why we want to do certain things; finding inspiration becomes way easier once you know where to look. Actually, let me rephrase that: finding inspiration is all about knowing who you are. Knowing your likes and dislikes. Knowing why you like certain things, and why you don't. Understanding what things you're drawing to. Your preferences. Of course, there are more things about yourself to discover through the process, but let's stop here for now.
And given my current mind state, I've been really inspired lately by the GazettE (<3). I've been searching for their photos high and low and I've come across some older ones of what they look like.
This is Ruki from the earlier days:
And this is the cover of Neo Genesis magazine in 2006 (Uruha can really pass off as a girl with those hot pants and thigh boots).
I'm serious when I said that Uruha could pass off as a girl.
Cockroach days.
What I'm amazed at is that despite the fact that they're more of the punk rock look, they could come up with dramatic image changes from song to song and from album to album. And it's just not like...maybe hair up today and hair down tomorrow. They could still manage to look completely different in terms of style while maintaining the same "we're the GazettE" essence. I really would like to follow that as an example.
And right now, I'm really inspired to do a really cool looking vector art on Ruki and/or Uruha. I think their strong make up, hair style, colours, styling and poses could really give inspiration. They're absolutely gorgeous. I could use some eye candy now. *drool*
I ought to take more trips down to the Mong Kok area. Apparently, places like Argyle Center on Sai Yeung Choi South Street have loads of really cool boutiques. And aside from spending nearly HK$1000 on some cool Japanese imported clothing, I've also managed to grab another $1000 worth of gothic lolita items, though less lolita and more grown up goth. Chains, lace, leather, tartans, buckles, spikes...you name them. Blame it on the GazettE for my recent interest in dressing up like a problem emo child! I have to admit, I feel that the items I got were real bargains.
Hong Kong is a dangerous place for money spending.
And strolling along Gold Fish Street (I forgot the real name of the street) looking at pets have fed some weird feeling of nostalgia. Especially when I smell unwashed doggies.
Of course, in the end, in search of more hawtness, I've stumbled across some really awesome gif animation of the GazettE in Distress and Coma (credit goes to rubyzinha). Ruki (the vocalist - the guy with the lace gloves) is so seksi. Speaking of which, it's written somewhere that he's only 162cm. That's like...about 1 inch taller than me. o___O
My favourite image? This one.
Anyway, more decorating for my blog!
*starts singing* I'll tell you what distress means, fill me up with your dreams...
Wow, it's been a while since I last touched html. And I feel great about doing this! I've decided to use the GazettE as my background (because most of the other stuff suck). They don't have any cool KAT-TUN or Koda Kumi templates either.
I think I've kind of stopped wanting really girly fantasy designs lately. If I were 13 today, I would probably have gone for a One Piece/Final Fantasy/Zelda background. Or a cute one. Then again, if I were still 20, I'd probably have gone for a love design. But I think I'm better suited to having a more cool goth metal feel lately. I might change it again soon though, I think the image used on top could be way cooler.
Now all that's missing is a really cool avatar to go with the background. Misao and Nico Robin don't really match up here.
Edit: It's done, I now have a really cool the GazettE inspired avatar! Amantis is back in business. =)
When Volume 32's cover of Neo Genesis magazine (the Japanese "New Standard Rock Magazine") caught my eye, I started becoming interested in the GazettE, a metal band that I've never heard of. Then again, knowing me, it was the way the entire band looked that got my attention. Very Marilyn Manson, but yet still looking undeniably...hawt. Seriously hawt. And totally seksi. Contrary to what my initial impression was before I heard their music, it wasn't that difficult to listen to in terms of those super emo screaming that can normally be heard in the likes of Linkin' Park.
And here's a video of the band in action in the song Distress and Coma:
Distress And Coma Full pv - the gazette
I totally love the lace gloves! I really ought to make something similar. My honest opinion? They really have style.
I'm finally done with the game! I've still got a couple of side quests to do, but I've actually beaten the final boss! He's a real bitch near the end, but after a few years of on and off playing, it's been fun. Now all that I need to do is to clean up and finish the crazy Cave of Ordeals.
Ah...I love my Wii.
After being stuck in the frikkin' cold for months, I'm so glad to be back in Hong Kong for my break. I've literally pampered myself within the last 48 hours, ranging from bath soaks and leg waxes to the hair salon session and real manicures. And it's nice to have someone looking after me and thinking for my meals for once. Now I need some retail therapy.
I can finally feel my sanity returning to me now. I actually feel like a human again.
Damn me for not working faster. Damn me for getting distracted really easily. Damn damn damn. Man, I just hope that this Triumph comp is worth my zits. And I need a good scrub. And a warmer bed. Damn you Shanghai for being this cold still!
Edit: I plan to go home on time tomorrow. Work work work! 'cuz I need a full body scrub at New Star. I hope it's not closed by the time I get there tonight!
I think I should stop being so passive. Wait, it's all the fatigue's fault. I was shopping for some extra fabric at the market, and I was asking for a certain silk print that the stall didn't have. Apparently, the one that I wanted was only 2 positions away! Damn me for causing this embarrassment! Damn my fatigue!
Thankfully, both the store people were nice to me at the time and laughed it off when they saw how totally tired I looked.
Man, Triumph is killing me.
Youtube has been blocked...again! GAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Where the hell am I going to watch KAT-TUN videos now?! Gimme back my source of entertainment!
Overall, I thought it was a pretty good movie. Of course, it has its funny moments, but I truly loved the storyline for being realistic instead of playing the events down. Especially in situations where it's flee or die.
The sideways nod/shake is so typically Indian though! Hahaha.
It's been a while since I did those Song of the Moment (SOTM) entries. I feel like a teenager again! =P
kattun - Rescue - Kattun
But yes, the latest one that got stuck in my head is KAT-TUN's latest release Rescue. Initially, I didn't even like the song that much, but after watching the video twice or so, it sort of grew on me a bit. Mainly because I love the black and white theme and the dance sequence. And Nakamaru's beatboxing sounded really cool here. Cooler than what he did in Lips. Of course, other than Akanishi and Ueda, they all have new hairstyles, which is refreshing.
I need a new layout for this blog. The dots just don't suit me at all, but I refuse to use the common black preset template that the entire population of bloggers on blogger use. Then again, I probably wouldn't be able to do that until I actually get my ass back home.
And I'm doing something completely different and new to me. Last week, sort of like out of whim when my crazy (but adorable) teacher breezed past me and suggested I take part in the Triumph Inspiration Award '09 design competition. I'm part excited and part nervous about taking part. Obviously, there are so many people who will be taking part I doubt I'll be able to get through with my limited design experience. But hey, it will be good fun. =)
Chinese website (Chinese only)
International website (English) - for some reason, the Great Firewall of China blocked this. tsk.
Yeah, I'm known to own a series of blogs. But since I'm not even allowed to log into Livejournal or iBlog while in China (which really sucks, because I was a dedicated blogger until 2 years ago), I might as well start a new one.
So yes, I shall officially nickname it...the new procrastination station! Because I'm meant to be doing something else other than blogging. =P

Name: Amantis
Birthday: Dec 4
Star sign: sagittarius
Location: around the world (literally)
Profession: mantifying
Height: average
Weight: at a healthy range
Blood type: B
Piercings: 3
Perfume: ranges from Estee Lauder and Lancome to Bvlgari and Escada
Colours: black, purple, silver, red
Audio inspirations: the GazettE, Koda Kumi, KAT-TUN
Likes: Harajuku, collecting perfume, funky stuff, Japanese rock magazines, fashion photos
In a nutshell: I'm your resident anime, arts, video games, and wit wars junkie. I'm passionate in all that I love.
What's playing now?
- fashion design (8)
- KAT-TUN (9)
- Koda Kumi (1)
- life (22)
- Luna Sea (7)
- miyavi (10)
- movies (1)
- Nightmare (2)
- random (13)
- SOTM (6)
- SUGIZO (6)
- T.M.Revolution (1)
- the GazettE (38)
- VAMPS (4)
- video games (5)
- Vidoll (2)
layout edit
by Amantis
Gifs by Rubyzinha
the GazettE scans
from rawkstarr23
Layout design by Coverday