Am I the only person who thinks Uruha is beautiful? I honestly feel ashamed as a woman when I see a man who is way sexier and way more gentle feminine than myself. Then again, I set my eyes on Ruki's style initially before I actually settle on Uruha. I swear, those thighs are so hawt. Sorry Rukster. But you're still the fashionable one in my book, hahaha.
Warning: Image intensive.
When you look at the hair, it looks really touchable, especially when he feathers it up into gentle spikes. Or maybe it's the way his cat eye style make up makes it look like his gaze is more intense than it actually is. (I've tried the eye make up, and while it looks absolutely scary in real life, it really works in photos - and definitely on stage.) I suppose it's also the gentle facial expression that makes Uruha quite attractive while exerting a semi-masculine pose that makes the whole outlook very androgynous.
Ruki, on the other hand, has more of a bad kid look. Or delinquency. Actually, he's probably the kid that everybody wants to tame, but I doubt pinning him down will be successful. Then again, he's also probably the most stylish one in the group (considering the fact that one of his favourite past times is shopping) and as the vocalist, the projection of the band image is considerably heavy weighted. I'm still amazed at the image make overs where he can look totally different while maintaining his style. But I'm definitely not a fan of his Reila and Cockroach looks - a bit too Halloween.
He's probably the only person who looks good in gold pants (which I don't have a clear image of at the moment, but I've seen it somewhere). He also does the feathery hair, but he could resemble a lion at times, which was more apparent in Guren.
I'll add more on the other members later. Right now, I'm just too pissed off with life (and the fact that the Great Firewall of China has decided to block Blogspot). Why oh why must everything have to happen now?
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Name: Amantis
Birthday: Dec 4
Star sign: sagittarius
Location: around the world (literally)
Profession: mantifying
Height: average
Weight: at a healthy range
Blood type: B
Piercings: 3
Perfume: ranges from Estee Lauder and Lancome to Bvlgari and Escada
Colours: black, purple, silver, red
Audio inspirations: the GazettE, Koda Kumi, KAT-TUN
Likes: Harajuku, collecting perfume, funky stuff, Japanese rock magazines, fashion photos
In a nutshell: I'm your resident anime, arts, video games, and wit wars junkie. I'm passionate in all that I love.
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- the GazettE (38)
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layout edit
by Amantis
Gifs by Rubyzinha
the GazettE scans
from rawkstarr23
Layout design by Coverday
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