Finally! A preview of the song!
If it gets removed from YouTube for copyright reasons, the preview can also be heard at the Kuroshitsuji official site in the back track or on their offical homepage (watch or skip the flash introduction then click on number "10" to find the preview).
I love it - it's old school GazettE that sounds like Regret and Zakurogata no Yuuutsu, which we haven't heard in ages. I was secretly hoping for a ballad like Distress and Coma or another Before I Decay, but they aren't going to release singles that are too similar to their previous ones in consecutive sections. As in the TV interview with Reita and Uruha a few years back (around the release of Hyena), Uruha stated that whatever next single they'll release, they'll use it to break the previous image. It keeps things exciting and me always anticipating whenever something new comes up. So fat chance of another hardcore for me!
Another news is that they've switched from King Records to Sony Music. Initially, I was almost freaking out because I thought they were going to be some commercialized band, but the last line in the entry by Music Japan+ states that they're still part of PSC. Which brings some relief as I do not want to see them being associated to the likes of...I don't know...Johnny's Entertainment (nothing against the Johnnies, but given it's pretty much a boy group manufacturing company...hahaha). I would very much like the GazettE to remain true to themselves by creating songs they want to do - not because they're forced to associate themselves in some marketing scheme to grab more money.
Having said that, I guess I don't need to worry so much. Alien Ducky has translated Ruki's blog, and boy is he mad at the fans for misunderstanding the GazettE's association with the anime!
"What I want everybody to not have any misunderstandings about is the fact that it is not a song made to match an anime.
I have said so a number of times even in interviews and such, I absolutely will not, and cannot make songs or write lyrics in this fashion."
Well, thank God! Not that I have anything against them having a theme song with anime, it's just the fear that they might have changed musical directions. Or some nutty anime fangirls who will jump up and down around them because of the anime rather than because of their music.
And about commercialization? He really did make a strong statement.
"Next, there are also people telling us not to turn into a commercial band, but this is a foolish question.
I’m not about to go and make amends to the GazettE from it’s beginnings.
I’m human too, so with age my thoughts change too, and there is a part of me that grows into an adult.
What doesn’t change, what cannot change, is that we will play the music we want to play."
Thank you very much! As long as they remain true to themselves and continue to do what they do because they want to, I'm happy. I truly believe this is what artists should do: do it because they want to rather than do it because they're forced to. *more rave points for the GazettE*
The rest of the blog entry can be found in Ducky's Translations Blog (which I instantly hit the "follow" button just because I need more information and am really interested in what they say in interviews. XD)
Having said all that I just realized how much I hate doing art that's imposed on me. Is it because of this that I'm starting to resent some of the things I do? Is it my pride is getting in the way of thinking? I honestly don't know. Right now, I'm just too flustered and panicked to think clearly.
I definitely need a break. I just got K.O.ed last night. I need to do a few more fucking all-nighters this week to finish my work.
Enough of that.
And finally, had I gone to the V-Rock festival last year, this is what I would have seen:
GAZEROCK IS NOT DEAD. *continues drooling at Uruha's wavy hair*
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Name: Amantis
Birthday: Dec 4
Star sign: sagittarius
Location: around the world (literally)
Profession: mantifying
Height: average
Weight: at a healthy range
Blood type: B
Piercings: 3
Perfume: ranges from Estee Lauder and Lancome to Bvlgari and Escada
Colours: black, purple, silver, red
Audio inspirations: the GazettE, Koda Kumi, KAT-TUN
Likes: Harajuku, collecting perfume, funky stuff, Japanese rock magazines, fashion photos
In a nutshell: I'm your resident anime, arts, video games, and wit wars junkie. I'm passionate in all that I love.
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layout edit
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Gifs by Rubyzinha
the GazettE scans
from rawkstarr23
Layout design by Coverday
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