...the reverse side of beauty..//..Mantified

A Jrock commentary journal (at least most of it is).

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

LUNA SEA Live Report on JRR

It really has been absolutely crazy busy with all that packing to be done in order to cart back home after my studies (and adventures) overseas on the the island of Singapore. Ah...

But, right now, the one thing I'm extremely proud to announce: I went to the LUNA SEA live in Hong Kong on December 11th! It was an absolute blast as I twittered everything I saw and heard (which I felt of great significance) onto my swanky iTouch 4. Am really glad to have attained some followers who followed the gig all the way until the end.

Additionally, another something worth mentioning is my live report. I offered to write one for JRR as part of my contribution due to my love for the group. So, imagine my state of ecstatic-ness when it's up on the site!

Live report found here.

I'll be headed for Tokyo this Friday to catch the GazettE's live on Sunday. I will be doing a live report for the Tokyo Dome show, as well as do some twittering (maybe some on JRR's official twitter when over there, but I'll definitely be tweeting out of my personal username). So, if you're interested, follow me @taintedmantis and @jrockrevolution for updates!


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